ADHD Testing

ADHD Testing

ADHD Testing services offered in West Los Angeles, CA

Neuropsychological testing is an indispensable diagnostic tool for mental health, neurocognitive, and developmental conditions. Janelle Haider, MD, and the expert team at Treo Care in West Los Angeles, California, perform neuropsychological testing to diagnose disorders and obtain the in-depth information needed to recommend the best treatment. If you need to schedule testing or have questions, call the office or book a consultation online today.

ADHD Testing Q & A

What is neuropsychological testing?

Neuropsychological testing includes numerous possible tests to evaluate how well your brain functions and to identify how any problems in your brain are associated with your mental health disorder.

Your testing results show whether you have cognitive problems and, if so, how severe they may be. Neuropsychological testing also reveals your unique strengths and weaknesses, information that helps diagnose your disorder and guides your treatment.

What brain abilities are evaluated during neuropsychological testing?

Neuropsychological testing assesses numerous brain abilities, including:

  • Intelligence
  • Attention and concentration
  • Learning and memory
  • Language and speech
  • Brain processing speed
  • Mood and personality
  • Emotions, motivation, and impulsivity
  • Executive function skills (problem-solving, reasoning, organization, and planning)
  • Mental efficiency (how you use your brain to learn and solve problems)
  • Visual perception (understanding the position of one object with another)
  • Spatial skills (the ability to envision or arrange objects and images)
  • Sensory perception (the ability to take in and interpret sensory information)
  • Motor abilities (the ability to control muscles and body movements)

Though memory testing is essential for dementia, neuropsychological testing also evaluates other types of memory (like working memory) that may not be up to par with certain mental health and developmental disorders.

When would I need neuropsychological testing?

Your Treo Care provider may perform neuropsychological testing for numerous disorders, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Psychosis
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

The team at Treo Care may also perform neuropsychological testing for people who have mental health problems caused by an underlying neurological disorder, such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and concussions.

What happens during neuropsychological testing?

Your Treo Care provider spends time talking with you and may also include your partner, mother, father, and others who have a significant role in your life. They learn about your emotional and behavioral challenges, how frequently they occur, and their impact on your daily life.

Neuropsychological testing includes a variety of written and verbal tasks. Your provider may ask you questions or have you perform certain tasks. Written tests may be done on a computer or with paper and pencil.

The test typically takes at least several hours and could take all day, depending on the number of functions being tested. If your testing takes too long, your provider may schedule it over several days.

If you need to schedule a neuropsychological evaluation, call Treo Care or request an appointment online today.