Health Coaching

Health Coaching

Health Coaching services offered in West Los Angeles, CA

Health coaching helps you achieve balance in your life, build habits that promote mental and physical wellness, and gain the skills needed to reach and maintain optimal health. Janelle Haider, MD, and the compassionate team at Treo Care in West Los Angeles, California, serve as your partner, reminding you of your strengths and supporting you as you work to achieve optimal well-being. Call the office or book an in-person or telehealth appointment online to learn more about health coaching and how it can transform your life.

Health Coaching Q&A

What is health coaching?

Health coaching focuses on improving your well-being and building a fulfilling, purposeful life. Your coach identifies the current challenges and lifestyle habits negatively affecting your health, then works with you to create a sustainable, long-term plan for improving your wellness and achieving your goals.

Who can benefit from health coaching?

Anyone wanting to improve any aspect of their health can benefit from health coaching because the Treo Care team takes a holistic approach. They help you overcome the issues negatively affecting your mind, body, and spirit.

You may seek life coaching if you struggle with a work-life balance or deal with overwhelming stress. Some people feel generally unhealthy even though they’re not sick. Others are unhappy and lethargic and may not know why.

Your health coach helps you sort through these issues, get to the root of the problem, and develop a strategy for healthy change. 

Health coaching often focuses on issues such as:

  • Improving nutrition
  • Reducing stress
  • Losing weight
  • Getting restorative sleep
  • Engaging in regular exercise
  • Creating fulfilling leisure time
  • Managing your time
  • Helping you stop smoking
  • Supporting your mental health

These key issues must stay in balance to achieve physical, mental, and emotional wellness.

What happens during health coaching?

Your health coach listens to your concerns and asks questions to clarify your current lifestyle habits and the challenges that affect your well-being.

While your Treo Care provider needs to identify problem areas, health coaching focuses on your strengths. Your coach identifies your strengths (often finding attributes you may not see in yourself) and builds on them when creating goals and a plan to achieve them. 

Health coaching is a collaborative process. Your coach navigates the way, recommends actions, offers strategies and insight, and helps you replace self-defeating habits with healthy behaviors. You need to be open to change, desire to improve your life, and be ready to do the work.

Your Treo Care coach may recommend many behavioral changes and suggest advanced evidence-based devices to improve your well-being. A few examples include:

  • Muse® (electronic headband to improve meditation)
  • Myndlift® (brain training using neurofeedback)
  • Alpha-Stim® (electrotherapy to relieve anxiety, depression, and insomnia)
  • HeartMath® (heart-focused meditation device to improve emotional well-being)

If you’re ready to explore your life and take steps to improve your future, call Treo Care or use the online booking feature today.